A blog is actually something like a diary which you might want to share with a few people. And things I write here are neither limited to a few things (or names, places, animals) nor do they cover everything under the sun. Nevertheless, it is more personal than is general. People might find delight in reading blog, writing them or just.. (what else can they do??)

And here is my blog, open to you all and wanting readership, though not desperately!

So why don't you just go ahead and read through.. :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

I, me and mine

It will be time
to bid good-bye!
one last time..
to the world so green.
Its been mine
Ever since I saw
All along,
the world so green!
I sit there alone
and turn my eye
to all that has been
in the life of mine..
I see a field,
I hear the smiles,
Its been a long
and noisy mile..
I hear the words;
So much did I speak!
some good, some true
some nice and some mean.
Many came along
only for a while.
But all along,
its been only me!
All new people!
The world was so different!
My teacher, my parent
None remain..
Mine will be gone too!
Unread, Unwritten..
Oh! My story
mine, it was mine..
I open my eyes
pen in my hand
and a yet to be written
story of life..
All I can do is make my story
A beautiful one!


  1. Nice poem. But don't you ever think of saying Goodbye to the world so soon? We are already missing you very much.

  2. Nicely written. Almost every man's lyf story appeals only to himself. It is lost wen he is gone or at the most after 2 generations. But u can still be one among the handful who, by their deeds(need not be good by default), are remembered for a longer time.. :)

  3. d last stanza is too gud :)
    Hope u make ur story beautiful...

  4. hmm...nice poem da...

    good imagination man..!
    way to go..varuna!!

  5. poet aagbiTTidiyallo magne! sakkathaagide.

  6. I am blowed and bowled by your poetry...the way you blend philosophical dilemma and identity ambition with poetic beauty!!

  7. aha, i am 'caught behind' your comment ;)
    thanku maga!
