A blog is actually something like a diary which you might want to share with a few people. And things I write here are neither limited to a few things (or names, places, animals) nor do they cover everything under the sun. Nevertheless, it is more personal than is general. People might find delight in reading blog, writing them or just.. (what else can they do??)

And here is my blog, open to you all and wanting readership, though not desperately!

So why don't you just go ahead and read through.. :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

To be or not to be

Okay then. I do not know what to write now. I am sitting here thinking. 

A few thoughts manifest themselves as images and pass in front of my eyes. I pick up one of them.
I read in a newspaper recently that pening/typing down a page daily, say in the morning, about what is going on in your mind at that moment de-stresses you. This is the thought I picked up.

But then, I had two questions to ask:
1. Who would read what I write. What is the use of such a thing to the world. The world already has six billion people. Why on Earth would it be bothered about reading my thoughts?

2. Won't it shatter the image I have so carefully built up over the years to pose like an angel in front of the world. Why should I reveal my real self. Who would like it. It would harm me, rather.

I got interested at the second question. Would I really want to tell the world about myself. Or do I want to constantly keep showing a false face?

Okay, time for an example. Too much in air can be confusing. 

Suppose I like a girl. 

Now, a thing or two about 'liking'. I never say I like a boy, do I? But I like a girl. Why is this so? What is the subtle but inherent difference between liking a girl and 'liking a boy'?
May be liking a girl could sometimes(many times??) lead to 'loving the girl' and in turn lead to a marrital strife. But all these rules rule the lesser mortals. For the greater ones, liking can just be liking. 

So, suppose I like a girl, do I really want to tell her that. 

Experience says, I do not do it that way. I change myself, I create a 'false me'. And then the drama goes on.

Then what is the true me? 

If I am myself, why would I be afraid of saying what is natural. Liking, for God's sake, is natural. Liking is an expression of empathy. Empathy, I feel, is one of the greatest gifts a human can share with his fellow being. Mankind without empathy for his fellow beings isn't really kind.

I spite of all this, I am afraid of saying what I feel. That's because I am accustomed to being a liar. I am not exactly afraid of saying the truth. I am driven by my habit of restraining myself from entering unknown arenas of human experience. So I lie. I create a 'false me'.

Vedas say: We should constantly and conscioulsy be practising to be true so that it becomes a habit and after a while we even unconsciously start being true. 

That can be one thing which I want to be.

What is the link between What I am and What I want to be?

PS: Did you read till here?! 
       Thank you :)

1 comment:

  1. "Truth Alone Triumphs"..
    "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"..
