A blog is actually something like a diary which you might want to share with a few people. And things I write here are neither limited to a few things (or names, places, animals) nor do they cover everything under the sun. Nevertheless, it is more personal than is general. People might find delight in reading blog, writing them or just.. (what else can they do??)

And here is my blog, open to you all and wanting readership, though not desperately!

So why don't you just go ahead and read through.. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Gift

Anything written will have atleast three things in place: the writer, the subject and the reader. It has somehow always happened to me that I have written keeping a reader in mind. Else I'm not guided in writing things down. There was a phase when I used to write keeping a girl in mind always. I thought she would read someday, somehow all that I wrote and appreciate me or atleast criticize me. I thought those who could comment on my writing could fit my line of thought. But such things would happen that she would no longer be my 'inspiration', if I call her so. I had to either stop writing or I had to have a different inspiration. Whenever I talk about inspiration, RK's words seem to echo in my ears. He used to say 'you just need to look out of the window to get an inspiration'. But that was a different inspiration. It is the subject which he was talking about which is found in plenty all around. All you need is poet's eye. It is the other inspiration which, I feel is very specific. You modified the words to suite her liking. You would put in some humour here and there so that she might like it and spill a smile. Then you would actually imagine her smiling face and slowly rest back and look at the roof where only a black fan would slowly be gyrating with a gentle periodic noise, spreading the breeze all around. You would rest in this way for quite a while while tranquility would fill your heart. Love, it was actually all around!


  1. I'd do this too. I guess I still do sometimes(write keeping someone in mind). You could say it kind of helps maintain standard. Though I also believe that you should write without care for what others would think. Only then can you be really true and real in your posts.
    Haage. Tatva. So.. Who's the girl..? Just curious..

  2. yav hudgi goskora barithidhyaa maga?

  3. A mirror to every writer i say.... very nicely composed...

  4. impression is a characterization of human aspiration.
